Get Glittery: The Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Loose Glitter on Nails

I’m excited to share with you all my favorite technique for adding a pop of sparkle to my nails: applying loose glitter. There are many benefits to using loose glitter over traditional nail polish, such as the intense sparkle it gives and the ability to mix and match colors. 

In this post, I’ll share all the materials you’ll need, the prep work involved, and the step-by-step process for applying loose glitter to your nails. Plus, I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks for creating different effects and sealing your glitter in place. So, let’s dive in!

How Can I Apply Loose Glitter Properly?

Loose Glitter on Nails

Applying loose glitter is easy, but you can mar the nail art without following the right steps. That said, here is the step-by-step guide to applying loose glitter successfully.

Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, ensure you have all the materials you’ll need. Here’s a list of what you’ll need to apply the loose glitter to your nails:

Loose glitter: This is the main star of the show! Choose your favorite color or mix and match to create your unique blend.

Base coat: This will help the glitter stick to your nails and prevent staining.

Top coat: This will seal the glitter in place and give your nails a glossy finish.

Small brush or sponge: You’ll need something to apply the glitter to your nails. A small brush or sponge will work well for this.

Optional: small funnel and magnet: These tools can make it easier to apply the glitter and create gradient effects.

Optional: paper towel or cotton swab: These can help clean up excess glitter or tidy up around the cuticles.

Prep Your Nails

Before applying the loose glitter to your nails, it’s essential to prep them properly. Here are a few things to consider:

Start with Clean, Dry Nails

Make sure to wash your hands and remove any old nail polish before you begin. It’s also a good idea to lightly buff your nails to remove any oils or imperfections that might prevent the glitter from sticking.

Apply a Base Coat

A base coat will help the glitter adhere to your nails and prevent staining. You can choose a nail polish color that complements the glitter or use a clear base coat for a more subtle look.

Consider the Base Color

If you’re using a colored base coat, remember that it will show through the glitter and affect the final look. You may want to choose a base color that complements the glitter or use a clear base coat for a more versatile look.

These steps will set you up for success and ensure that your glittery nails turn out perfectly!

Apply the Glitter

Now it’s time to apply the glitter to your nails! Here’s how to do it:

Dip your brush or sponge into the glitter. You’ll want to use a small amount of glitter at a time. Dip the brush or sponge into the glitter and tap off any excess.

Gently press the glitter onto the nail. Starting at the tip of the nail, gently press the glitter onto the nail, working towards the cuticle. You can also use a sweeping motion to distribute the glitter evenly.

Avoid clumps. To avoid clumps, tap off any excess glitter before applying it to the nail. You can also use a clean brush or cotton swab to smooth out any lumps that may form.

Layer different colors. For added dimension, try layering different colors of glitter. You can mix and match to create your unique blend or use different colors to create a gradient or ombre effect.

Optional: use a magnet to create a gradient effect: If you have a magnet, you can use it to create a gradient effect by holding it close to your nails as you apply the glitter. This will cause the glitter to be drawn towards the magnet, creating a gradient effect.

Seal the Glitter

Now that you’ve applied the loose glitter to your nails, it’s essential to seal it in place with a top coat. This will help to prevent the glitter from flaking off and ensure that your mani lasts as long as possible. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a top coat:

Fast-drying top coat. If you’re in a hurry, a fast-drying top coat can be a lifesaver. These top coats usually dry in just a few minutes, so you won’t have to wait long to go about your day.

Long-lasting top coat. You might consider using a long-lasting top coat if you want your glittery nails to stay fresh for as long as possible. These top coats are more durable and can help your mani last longer.

No matter which top coat you choose, apply it in thin, even coats to avoid smudging the glitter. And remember, it’s always a good idea to let your nails dry completely before doing any activities that might cause them to chip or peel.

SEE: 30 Cute Nails Design

Removing the Glitter

Eventually, you’ll want to remove the loose glitter from your nails. Here are a few options for doing so:

Soak cotton balls in nail polish remover. This is a simple and effective way to remove glitter from your nails. Simply soak a cotton ball in nail polish remover, press it onto your nail, and hold it there for a few seconds. The glitter should start to dissolve and come off quickly. Repeat this process until all the glitter is removed.

Use a nail polish remover pad. Another option is a nail polish remover pad. These are pre-soaked in nail polish remover and are designed specifically for removing nail polish. Simply press the pad onto your nail and hold it there for a few seconds. The glitter should come off quickly.

Minimize the mess. To minimize the mess during removal, you can wrap a tissue or paper towel around your finger before applying the nail polish remover. This will help to catch any stray glitter and make clean-up a breeze.

Final Thought

I hope you enjoyed learning how to apply the loose glitter to your nails. Not only is it a super easy process, but it adds so much sparkle and personality to your mani. Whether you opt for a single color or mix and match to create your unique blend, the possibilities are endless.

The best part is glitter nails are incredibly versatile and can be dressed up or down for any occasion. So go ahead and give it a try – I have a feeling you’ll love it as much as I do. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and techniques to find your unique style. Happy glittering!